Folk signs on March 29: the creak of the wheel will predict the future

Folk signs on March 29: the creak of the wheel will predict the future


March 29 in the folk calendar is Savvin’s Day or Cart Day. By this day, the snow is almost gone, so in Rus’ they changed vehicles from sleds to carts. In addition, they were engaged in the preparation of spare wheels for carts – at least 10 of them were required for the season.

Photo flatart / Freepik

By the creak of the cart wheels they judged the future life. So, according to popular belief, if the front left wheel creaked while driving – to illness, the front right – to prosperity, the rear left – to debts, the rear right – to good luck.

Savvin’s day, according to signs, is successful for shopping. So you can safely go shopping or online shopping. It is believed that all acquisitions on this day will be successful.

But with the move to a new place of residence, it is better to wait: there is a sign that the resettlement on this day is difficult, and various problems will begin in the new place.

For girls, folk wisdom recommends not to agree to a marriage proposal received on Savvin’s day. Otherwise, the marriage will be unhappy, and the new love will be unrequited. Not the best day to meet, make friends or love relationships – new people will bring trouble into your life.

It is not worth it today to transplant indoor flowers – they will wither.

You can’t lend money after sunset – you yourself will have to go into debtors.

Still, according to popular signs, baking bread on Savvin’s day – to problems, eating bread after sunset – to ruin, poverty, making a fire – unfortunately, arguing, swearing and sorting out relationships – to trouble.

Folk signs on March 29 are as follows:

– if the day is warm – spring will be warm and sunny;

– if the clouds float high and fast – to warm weather;

– if the snow melts quickly, streams are everywhere – the summer will be rainy;

– if the hares have not yet changed their fur to gray, the cold will still return.

Dreams that are dreamed on the night of March 30 can be prophetic and come true within a month.

Alyona Bodrienko.

Photo flat art / Freepik


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