Experts talk about the bad effects of sports in the morning on the body

Experts talk about the bad effects of sports in the morning on the body


Study: Those who exercise in the morning are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease

Experts from the University of Sydney conducted a study which found that exercise in the morning has a negative effect on the human body. It is clarified that those who engage in sports at this time are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Told about this New York Post.

“Researchers from the University of Sydney (Australia) found that people who exercise at night have a lower risk of heart disease and death than those who exercise in the morning,” the publication says.

It is noted that the study involved about 30 thousand obese people, with an average age of 62 years. The experiment was carried out over eight years.

It turned out that those who exercised after 18:00 had a 61% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to those who did not exercise at all.


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