Experts explain why the Ukrainian Armed Forces lie about downed Russian planes

Experts explain why the Ukrainian Armed Forces lie about downed Russian planes


Ukrainian air defense has a large overexpenditure of anti-aircraft missiles

In recent weeks, the Ukrainian air defense has been reporting every day about downed Russian fighters and bombers. Allegedly, in February alone, the Russian Aerospace Forces lost 13 Su-34 bombers, not to mention other “trifles.” But no documentary evidence of the successful operation of air defense is provided, and the rare video that is shown unexpectedly turns out to be a fake. Experts explained why the Ukrainian military resorted to obvious forgery for the sake of “high-profile” statistics.

In principle, the logic of the Ukrainian generals who actively took up postscripts in military reports is understandable. After the scandalous loss of Avdeevka, Kyiv needs “victories,” at least virtual ones.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot boast of successes “on the ground”. In addition, it is difficult to deceive anyone there: the line of combat contact is well recorded by all types of reconnaissance. Well, you can shoot down any number of planes without proof.

It is especially important for Kyiv to “defeat” our Aerospace Forces because it was they who made a huge contribution to the defeat of the Ukrainian fortified area in Avdiivka. Our planes dropped up to 150 glide bombs on Ukrainian Armed Forces positions per day.

As for the statistics of Ukrainian air defense, the Military Informant channel notes about it: “these stories for the insane have nothing to do with reality.” The key revealing factor in the enemy’s lies about our losses, the channel’s experts note, is the increasing intensity of our air strikes: the loss of half of the air regiment in a short period of time would inevitably bring the strikes to naught. In addition, there are no photo or video materials from the crash sites, the moment the planes were shot down, pilots parachuting, and so on.

An example of a forgery is a video shown by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of burning grass from three days ago, which the Ukrainian air defense passes off as the crash site of the Su-34 “shot down” on Saturday near Mariupol. Moreover, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Air Force is not ashamed to show this video with the burning grass as “evidence”, having forgotten, it is clear that the Internet remembers everything.

Publicist Yulia Vityazeva, regarding the statistics of Ukrainian air defense, recalled an old joke: “Doctor, my neighbor is 83 years old, and he says that he and his wife have sex every day,” says the patient. “Darling, tell me that too!” – the doctor answers him.

The information resource “Turned in War” gave its version of the reasons for the “intensification” of Ukrainian air defense in terms of statistics of downed aircraft. According to him, Ukrainian crews of anti-aircraft missile systems in the front line “are firing indiscriminately.” Panic fire is opened either when a strike group of our aircraft approaches or when it withdraws after work.

The number of such cases has increased sharply over the past week; in fact, we have had launches against each of our strike groups, the expert notes. The fire is carried out by old Soviet S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems and American Patriot systems. But the problem is that ammunition for Patriots is not cheap, one missile costs $2-3 million. And there are 4 such missiles in the launch container. The Americans must report on the missiles used. And they strictly ask for overspending. So the Ukrainians have to invent “victories”.

“I don’t think that anyone from the NATO military leadership is not aware of the real successes. It’s just that when the fog of war clears, you’ll have to look pale in front of the auditors. The ground is being prepared for this now,” the expert concludes.


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