Expert: Earthquake moved Turkey by 3 meters

Expert: Earthquake moved Turkey by 3 meters


The earthquake that hit Turkey on January 6 moved the country by three meters, informed Italian professor-geologist Carlo Donioli.

He explained that the Arabian Plate has moved about three meters northeast and southwest of the Anatolian Plate.

The usual geological movement over the area does not exceed 2-3 millimeters per year. During especially strong earthquakes, movement up to 30 cm is possible. For example, after a shake-up in Likusuri in Kefalonia, the city moved 20 cm.

Therefore, the reason for the displacement of Turkey by three meters as a result of the activation of a fault with a length of at least 150 km can be called a mega-earthquake.

“We are talking about continuous movement, the fault plane is very tilted, and during the event we are seeing a horizontal displacement of the two sides of the fault. Two lithospheric plates moved relative to each other,” the expert explained.

Read also: “Scientists of the Crimea assumed in January that there would be an earthquake in Turkey”


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