Every second Russian believes that his childhood was happier than that of the current generation

Every second Russian believes that his childhood was happier than that of the current generation


Only every fifth Russian believes that the childhood of the current rising generation is happier than their own. Every second adheres to the opposite position, showed survey service to search for a highly paid job SuperJob. 27% of respondents could not decide, recognizing that “in the material sense, they are more prosperous than us, but in our childhood the world was safer and we were freer.” The representatives of the older age group and respondents with an income of 80,000 rubles or more are most inclined to idealize their childhood. and higher.

Similar survey VTsIOM revealed what, according to Russians, modern children lack for happiness. Among the most common answers are physical activity, live communication, quality leisure (circles and sections) and knowledge, in particular reading books.


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