Europe has announced a shortage of weapons production capacity

Europe has announced a shortage of weapons production capacity


Nammo CEO Brandtzeg: Arms manufacturers in Europe do not have enough capacity

Europe needs to make capacity for the military-industrial complex more accessible, including electricity. About this in interview Morten Brandtzeg, director of the joint Norwegian-Finnish defense concern Nammo, told the Financial Times.

“In my opinion, we must increase (arms production) even more,” he shared his point of view. In his opinion, a good trend has begun, but it is necessary to continue to work even more intensively, since there is an industrial war for production capacity.

Brandtzeg also called on European states to turn to the experience of the United States and adopt the practice of giving priority to military-industrial complex enterprises in resources during periods of crisis. The publication refers to the fact that with such calls the head of the concern referred to the history of 2023, when Nammo was unable to expand its production in Norway due to the transfer of electricity for the construction of a data center for the service for creating and viewing short videos TikTok. Brandtzeg called for a choice between “cat videos” and top security priorities.


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