Elderly unemployed Russians offered to send early retirement

Elderly unemployed Russians offered to send early retirement


FNPR proposed to send older people unable to find a job to early retirement

Older Russians who have no more than 5 years left before the appointment of a pension should be allowed to retire early if the employment service cannot find a job for them within 12 months. The relevant amendments to the draft law “On Employment of the Population”, which is being prepared for the 2nd reading, were introduced by the FNPR, write “Vedomosti” with reference to the text of the document.

Also, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia proposed to legitimize the terms “partially employed” and “partially unemployed”, used by Rosstat, but do not appear in the current version of the law.

From the point of view of the FNPR, the first term indicates that a citizen is hired under an employment contract, but loses in salary due to a reduced norm of working hours, on the basis of which the amount of wages is calculated. The second is applicable in the case when the employee’s work time is forced to be reduced due to various circumstances (quarantine, emergencies or a decrease in production volumes).

At the same time, the organization believes that after the concept of “partial unemployment” is consolidated, Russians will be able to count on benefits for it, so that the maximum amount is set at the minimum wage.


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