Drugs were found in the toilets of high-ranking Swedish officials

Drugs were found in the toilets of high-ranking Swedish officials


A scandal broke out in Sweden. Traces of a banned substance were found in four of the eight party toilets in parliament. This data was obtained by a journalist from the publication Aftonbladet after conducting interviews with officials about the drug problem. But in addition, she treated sinks and toilets with special wipes, which revealed traces of white powder on the surfaces.

According to Lennart Karlsson, chairman of the Police Narcotics Association, a “cocaine avalanche” has hit Europe. He made his statement after Aftonbladet conducted tests in the toilets of the chancellors of the Swedish Parliament. The result surprised the newspaper – in half of the cases traces of a prohibited substance were found.

“I’m not surprised, cocaine is everywhere in society,” admitted Lennart Karlsson.

In Sweden, all the figures indicate that the prevalence of drugs in the country is increasing in all areas of life. Let’s remember that in 2023, Swedish customs seized more cocaine than ever before. The Chairman of the Police Narcotics Association explains that the reason is that the demand for cocaine in the United States of America has decreased, and therefore the cocaine cartels have coordinated flows and began to target Europe.

The publication Aftonbladet has previously checked whether there are traces of prohibited substances in catering establishments, but the results of the toilets of parliamentary parties were much more surprising: traces of narcotic powder were found in four out of eight rooms. The tests were decided to be carried out due to the fact that the publication interviewed all eight parties in the Riksdag about their drug policies.

Liberal MP Lina Nordqvist commented on the study: “It is serious if someone in our parliamentary corridor has been using drugs. The guest toilet that was tested is located in the corridor where our politicians and staff offices have their own toilets, but there are times when we use the toilet too. We are now conducting our own tests to see if there are any traces of drugs.”

Surfaces in office restrooms were wiped down with so-called cocaine wipes. If the napkin turns blue, it may be contaminated with drugs.

The Social Democrats responded and said that drugs are everywhere in Swedish society and that it is a big problem. They also explained that they cannot control who has access to the toilets.

Blue stains immediately appeared on four napkins when they were wiping down the plumbing fixtures. On the other hand, the test wipes could not be used as evidence because some other chemicals could cause a similar reaction. Therefore, Aftonbladet carried out laboratory analysis of the wipes.

“We found cocaine in all the samples we received,” states Karolinska Institutet chemist Anders Helander.

The Swedish Democrats, represented by the head of the chancellery, Erik Kristov, said that 28 toilets are available to everyone who needs them, including journalists, administration employees and other visitors. As the publication notes, to get into these toilets, you need to have an access card or be invited by someone who has one.

“The fact that you found traces of drugs here doesn’t give us much information to work with. As an employer, we naturally have a responsibility to our employees, and in the event that someone is suffering from addiction problems, we have policies and procedures in place to enable that person to get help. It is too early to say what measures will be taken now, but we intend to monitor this in consultation with the parliamentary administration,” the head of the chancellery commented to Aftonbladet.

Deputy Chancellor Suzanne Brolin shared her reaction to the publication’s study: “I am very surprised and saddened.”

“We don’t know if it’s an employee, a club member or a temporary visitor, many are moving here. No matter what, I take this very seriously. We have an alcohol and drug policy which we will be updating now and I will also be contacting the Chief Security Officer. We want a drug-free environment and workplace,” Brolin says.

The leader of the Sweden Democrats, Yimmi Åkesson, believes that it is perfectly reasonable to test all members of the Riksdag for drugs in order to get a fair answer.


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