“Don’t worry, Nagiyev didn’t leave”

"Don't worry, Nagiyev didn't leave"


And you say you left. Yes, here he is, your Nagiyev, alive, healthy, still in the same black smoky glasses leads KVN, following after Pelsh. “Don’t worry – I didn’t leave, and don’t expect me to leave!”

They all flock to KVN, like a spark (who flocks to the Blue Light, we will see on the night from the 31st to the 1st), the team of the First.

The general and his army, friends meet again, at KVN. Here is Mitya Khrustalev, now he has the potential to become a star. Here Pelageya is on the jury and laughs, as if someone is tickling her. Laughs so well. Here is Revva from another channel.

Ernst, like a Sunday dad, recreates the channel on weekends. He comes to his “child” and goes for a walk with him, to an ice cream parlor. Here’s “Tonight”, here’s “Three Chords” … And “Voice”, “What? Where? When?” live. No one screams, everyone plays. Connoisseurs are system people.

No, and on the weekend there is no escape from fate. “And now the documentary “Donbass. The road home,” proudly exclaims the voice-over host of ChGK Boris Kryuk at the very end of his intellectual casino.

And Sergei Bodrov, a landmark person for the First (he led “Look”, “The Last Hero”), was remembered, of course. Yes, and do not forget. 20 years have passed since the death. And they made it relevant today. It is clear that the quotes from Brother-2, which we love so much, are about the Bendera people, and “you bastards will answer me for Sevastopol.” (How our word will respond.) And then Sergei himself, shortly before his death: “Even if your country is not right during the war, you should not speak badly about it.”

So “Brother” spoke about the Chechen war, where Russia defended its territorial integrity. This is an excuse. But even in a nightmare, he could not imagine how the Russians would face the Ukrainians in a deadly battle.

…Konstantin Ernst almost from scratch restores his “country”, his channel, smashed to smithereens. Not everyone returned from the battlefield. You have to tighten up and pull yourself by the hair, no matter what. Good luck.

Shapoklyak never dreamed

I have to be objective at all costs. Yes, there are those whom you despise for the fact that they babble on the air. (Hate is too strong and destructive a feeling that I, thank God, do not have in relation to television “friends.”) But even despicable whipping boys and girls can do something good in life. We must give them a chance. And then…

Vladimir Solovyov and Margarita Simonyan vigorously opposed partial mobilization. Or rather, the methods of its implementation. The military commissars and other colonel generals responsible for this event fell under a hot hand and a sharp tongue. They take anyone that hits, plan according to the shaft, shaft according to the plan. A man under 60, his legs no longer walk normally, but he is in the rank and file. Five children – in the ordinary. He never served, he never took a machine gun in his hands, he didn’t even feel it – to the front line, he will feel it there. There is no medical board as it was not, only in words, and a person for 20 years without a gun could not only cash in on flat feet.

“I would shoot such people,” – this is Solovyov about traitor military commissars who substitute “our everything” with their stupid actions. Simonyan, who had just drowned for a nuclear war (homeland or death!), refused to be shot, but is also outraged.

It doesn’t matter who charged them on this account, on this valor. Or maybe they themselves? Not the point. Let them talk. They are great. Now, with these statements of theirs, they will definitely save someone, smear someone who is uninvolved, unsuitable.

Simonyan, Solovyov, thank you.


On the Orthodox “Spas” “Elder Son”. Again to the point.

Directed by Vitaly Melnikov, who left us quite recently, at the age of 93. And Alexander Vampilov, a playwright who left at 34. These two people, as well as the cameraman Veksler and the artists Leonov, Boyarsky, Karachentsov, Kryuchkova, Egorova, Izotov, Nikolsky – a spiritual, religious masterpiece.

In the USSR, an atheistic country, they knew how to say so about the immortal soul, to show, to play, that the heart sank. Here is the character of Leonov Sarafanov Andrey Grigorievich – he is also a saint. A simple Soviet Russian saint. Christ of our time. With his ability to love everyone, his own, others. With his open, gentle soul. He believes everything, everyone. And loves.

Offending him is like offending an old woman, a cripple, a holy fool. But they offend. Only love saves. Not indicative, by any means. Quiet, intimate, personal, own.

Probably, he didn’t read the Bible, and he doesn’t go to church, he doesn’t apply to the icon. A holy, divine man. Russian man, ideal and very real.

The Spas TV channel did everything right by showing this movie. One can look endlessly about such a righteous man.


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