Doctors spoke about modern methods of solving the problem of infertility

Doctors spoke about modern methods of solving the problem of infertility


Most female diseases can be treated quite successfully

The topic of infertility and restoration of women’s health is one of the most pressing today, as it is a cause of concern for millions of women. About 18% of Russian couples are infertile. But modern medicine is ready to help most of them become parents. Experts note that a successful solution to the problem is facilitated by an integrated approach to the use of innovative treatment methods.

Why doesn’t pregnancy occur? There can be many reasons for this. These include infectious and gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders, and urological problems, for example, when the patient (spouse) has a bad spermogram. Among the most common diseases in women that interfere with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, doctors identify endometriosis (spread of tissue from the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, the endometrium, beyond its boundaries) and Asherman’s syndrome (total adhesions in the uterine cavity caused by invasive procedures).

— If we talk about common female diseases, these may be problems associated with fibroids, synechiae, polyps, and adhesions. It is important that today all this can be treated quite safely. The patency of the fallopian tubes is assessed, and if necessary and possible, it is restored. There may be improper functioning of the ovaries, that is, hormonal imbalances, which can also be corrected. But if this does not help pregnancy occur, then the compatibility of the partners is assessed. Deep structures of hemostasis, etc. are examined. In the absence of the necessary results, the couple is already sent to the family planning and reproduction center, where they are offered various options for solving the problem, including using IVF and ICSI protocols, says the head of the center for gynecology and reproductive technologies of the National Medical Research Center “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” Ministry of Health of Russia Anton Ishchenko.

Today, modern medicine offers a comprehensive approach to the treatment of various gynecological diseases, which includes surgical and various outpatient high-tech medical care. Only in this way can the problems of primary and secondary infertility in women, as well as men, be solved, significantly increasing the likelihood of pregnancy. In large medical centers, both partners can undergo all the necessary diagnostics and therapy. For example, today laser technologies and hormonal therapy are used to treat endometriosis, which allows doctors to restore the endometrium in the uterine cavity and prepare patients for pregnancy. In addition, a spectral analysis system of the endometrium is used to determine its functional integrity, which is currently undergoing clinical testing.

In the context of preserving female reproductive function in modern gynecology, a structural approach is used in the treatment of benign tumors and pre-cancer diseases, and the main emphasis is on organ-preserving treatment. This even applies to serious surgical operations in women with large tumors and large uterine fibroids. “In other words, in cases where it is necessary to perform operations that do not allow patients to preserve their reproductive function, modern medicine uses new technologies that help preserve the uterus and/or ovaries. But even if this is not feasible, patients always have the opportunity to use the method of cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, so that even if the female reproductive organs are completely removed, they will have the opportunity to resort to surrogacy in the future,” notes Dr. Ishchenko.

Organ-preserving treatment is carried out using modern techniques using laser technologies, such as photodynamic therapy and holmium lasers, which affect the endometrium. Injection PRP techniques are also used to treat chronic endometritis, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 29244 dated March 27, 2024

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You still have to give birth


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