Doctors recommended including three foods in your diet to protect against cancer

Doctors recommended including three foods in your diet to protect against cancer


Doctors named three products that protect against cancer

Products containing the substance sulforaphane effectively protect against cancer. This statement was made by doctors on the air of the program “Live Healthy!”

According to experts, this substance is found in cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. The first contains seven daily doses of this beneficial substance in 100 grams of product. White cabbage contains the least amount of it – only two daily doses per 100 grams of product.

According to cardiologist Herman Gendelman, this substance has been shown to be effective in protecting against breast cancer because it prevents tumor cells from multiplying.

Sulforaphane also helps protect the body from high blood sugar levels, which, according to experts, literally burns blood vessels, including those in the retina. Due to damage to the latter, vision deteriorates sharply and does not return.

The substance contained in cruciferous vegetables also helps fight pathogens. Immunologist Andrei Prodeus said that even if cabbage is cooked, but supplemented with mustard seeds, a wide range of bacteria will die.


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