Capital students have created a “fabric gun” that seals the wound on the battlefield

Capital students have created a "fabric gun" that seals the wound on the battlefield


It is intended for the treatment of mild to moderate wounds.

A means of healing wounds, similar to what could previously only be seen in science fiction films, was presented by the capital’s scientists. They can be used in military field conditions without having a high medical qualification. In appearance, this is a pistol that “shoots” at the site of a cut or rupture of tissues, first with hemostatic and therapeutic agents, and then “seals” everything with a special substance to isolate it from the external environment.

As MK was told at the NUST MISIS Research and Education Center for Biomedical Engineering, their regenerative gun is designed to treat mild to moderate injuries. The device has two standard syringes with a volume of 20 ml, which are filled with medicines and biopolymers before work. To prevent bacterial infection and pain relief, antibiotics and anesthetics can be filled in them.

Unlike Western analogues, the first Russian “fabric gun” for the first time in the world used a system of ultrasonic spraying of a “crosslinking” agent. When the trigger is pressed, the ultrasonic system simultaneously collects all the components in the print area and confirms the biopolymer, creating something like a protective film on the surface of the treated wound.

According to the author of the development, engineer Timur Aydemir, another difference of the new device is its complete autonomy – it is powered by built-in rechargeable batteries that can be charged via a USB port.

Scientists have already conducted a series of studies of the invention on laboratory mice at the N.N. N.N. Blokhin. Now their tissues are being studied after healing.


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