Baza: “Bi-2” was detained again in Thailand, there is no contact with them

Baza: “Bi-2” was detained again in Thailand, there is no contact with them


It is reported that the Bi-2 musicians were re-detained in Thailand after paying a fine

Telegram channel Baza reportsthat members of the Bi-2 group were again detained in Thailand, despite paying the imposed fine. Earlier this week it became known about the detention of artists; the reason was given as performing in Pattaya and Phuket without obtaining work permits. Sources from a number of media outlets claimed that during the detention of the musicians insisted the Russian Foreign Ministrythe department denied this information.

Baza reports that after the arrest on December 25, “Bi-2” was tried and a fine was imposed, it was paid, but then the members of the group were detained by the migration police.

“The musicians were sent to a detention center, where they are now,” the publication says. “There is no contact with them.”

According to the channel’s sources, the artists should later be transported to Bangkok, and there “the issue of staying in Thailand should be finally resolved.”


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