Athlete Oksana Kostamo ran a hundred-kilometer distance from Lukovetsky to Arkhangelsk

Athlete Oksana Kostamo ran a hundred-kilometer distance from Lukovetsky to Arkhangelsk


This result has not been in the Arkhangelsk region since 1987

Athlete Oksana Kostamo ran a hundred-kilometer distance from Lukovetsky to Arkhangelsk. A resident of Arkhangelsk Oksana Kostamo ran a distance of one hundred kilometers and became the first athlete in the history of the city who managed to conquer such a distance. The girl has been running for six years, she is a member of the Strela running club and is the leader of the Northern Cup athletics competition.

The girl started her ultramarathon with her fellow runners on August 26 at 8:00 from the village of Lukovetsky, Kholmogory district, to Arkhangelsk. Athletes planned to run 80 kilometers, but left the race at 62 kilometers. Oksana was sure that she would finish the distance in the city and run a few more kilometers before the planned result of one hundred kilometers. And so it happened.

The distance took 12 hours and 21 minutes, and the distance covered was recorded by a watch and a special application. At the same time, the girl made seven stops to buy water and a snack.

By the way, in the Arkhangelsk region, the distance of one hundred kilometers was the only time to conquer the Severodvinsk Galina Belyaeva in 1987.

Athlete Oksana Kostamo notes that running has a positive effect on her health. In particular, the athlete stressed that running is a way of life. She regularly undergoes a commission in a sports dispensary. And doctors notice how the indicators of the work of the heart are changing for the better.


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