An unmanned kamikaze tractor was used to destroy the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

An unmanned kamikaze tractor was used to destroy the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Ground drone delivers several tons of explosives to enemy trenches

In the NMD zone, a successful experience of using robotic equipment to destroy enemy positions was recorded. The old Soviet multi-purpose armored personnel carrier MT-LB, which the military calls “Motolyga”, acted as a kamikaze. The car, stuffed with tons of explosives, independently drove to the enemy positions and exploded there, destroying the stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and everyone who was there.

According to various channels, it was near Maryinka in the DPR. MT-LB is designed to transport people and goods, and is also widely used as an artillery tractor. The military craftsmen provided remote control of the car and sent the “shahid-tractor” to the enemy trenches. The explosion occurred exactly in landing with the enemy.

The Rybar channel writes about this that unmanned kamikaze drones do not have to drive close to enemy positions. “Detonation of a huge charge with a powerful shock wave has the strongest demoralizing effect and can put those in the trenches to flight,” the author concludes.

According to him, the use of heavy kamikaze drones can be made more effective if two cars are sent on a mission at once – one will clear the path of mines and create a smoke screen, and the second will carry out a combat mission to destroy the enemy.

The channel “Witnesses of Bayraktar” spoke about the recent unsuccessful experience of using an unmanned tank for the same purpose. He could not get close to the enemy’s trenches, because he was blown up by a mine a hundred meters from the trench. When the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the standing tanks from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, “the explosion was epic.”

The fact that combat robots will be increasingly used in military affairs every year is obvious. They will allow you to save the lives of your servicemen and solve combat missions with minimal risk to them. So far, new ground-based drones have not reached the troops in mass quantities. So on the ground you have to be smart and introduce unmanned vehicles on your own.


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