An employee of the Mariupol Museum spoke about the work to save the exhibits

An employee of the Mariupol Museum spoke about the work to save the exhibits


The keeper of the funds of the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore of Mariupol Andrey Ladkin, in an interview with RIA Novosti, spoke about the work to save the exhibits.

In the spring of 2022, the Ukrainian nationalists used the museum for defense purposes, and retreated in mid-April. They previously took out some of the rare exhibits, among them – a letter of Catherine II and a rare Bible of the 18th century translated by Johannes Gutenberg. The museum was reportedly badly damaged by the fighting, and in addition to the damage, the building was on fire, while local residents tried to save the exhibits.

Ladkin noted that some of the exhibits were under the rubble and ashes, as there was a fire in the building. As a result of the analysis of the rubble, some exhibits were found, they are planned to be restored.

In a report by RIA Novosti, Ladkin showed exhibits already found, some of which are up to 5,000 years old. “In the future, it may be possible to assemble at least some separate vessels from separate fragments,” he said, adding that ancient amphorae, figurines, and dishes have already been found.


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