Actress Semina called the main mistake at the funeral of Zaitsev

Actress Semina called the main mistake at the funeral of Zaitsev


The artist is worried that Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was buried away from Yudashkin

The star of Soviet films Tamara Semina mourns the departure of Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin. The 84-year-old actress is worried that Zaitsev’s relatives made a mistake during his burial. Tamara Petrovna is sure: fashion designers should have been buried next to each other.

– I immediately said that they need to be buried in one place, next to each other, – says Tamara Petrovna. – Because Valentin and Vyacheslav are not just couturier. They are the property of Russia. They always went toe to toe with each other. So different and so talented. All over the world their talent was recognized! I thought that they were together side by side and be buried somewhere. It is a mistake that they were buried separately. It is a pity that nothing depends on my desire. But I know that many people think the same way as I do. Many called me, agreed with me. They left together – this is very symbolic.

– Nadezhda Babkina, Nikas Safronov are in favor of rebury Zaitsev!

– Oh, no, no, no… These are absolutely not Christian things. This is an intervention in the afterlife. This cannot be allowed. It was necessary for our cultural official to control this issue from the very beginning. By the way, I think that the monuments to Zaitsev and Yudashkin should be erected at the state expense. Because they brought our people to such a wonderful state.

Babkina, Zverev and relatives saw off Vyacheslav Zaitsev: farewell video

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– How?

– They instilled in our people a taste. It was thanks to them that our people began to be accepted and admired abroad. They said what beautifully dressed, stylish, neat people. This is the merit of Zaitsev and Yudashkin!

Read also: “The funeral of Vyacheslav Zaitsev was strange: relatives quarreled, the stars ignored”

Nadezhda Babkina, Bedros Kirkorov arrived at the funeral of Vyacheslav Zaitsev: mournful photos

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