A schoolboy spoke about the death of the head of the student organization at Crocus

A schoolboy spoke about the death of the head of the student organization at Crocus


A 17-year-old teenager who worked in the wardrobe of Crocus City Hall spoke about the death of the head of a student organization during the terrorist attack. According to him, the supervisor of the teenage staff, Andrei Syropyatov, was a very good person and always helped everyone.

“He was a man with a capital M. He was always ready to help us, explain something, support us. That day, unfortunately, I did not see him, only at the very beginning of the shift. We all loved and respected him very much,” the young man shared.

It became known earlierthat Syropyatov supervised the evacuation by radio, but then disappeared. He was found dead. The search for Andrei included two of his charges, Roman and Vladislav. On the evening of the tragedy, the young men were able to get about 100 people out of Crocus.


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