A Russian got a pig in his apartment and shocked his neighbors

A Russian got a pig in his apartment and shocked his neighbors


Mash: Rostovites are suing a neighbor who kept a pig in his apartment

Residents of one of the houses in Rostov complained about a neighbor who had a pig in their apartment. Some did not like the stench and squeals, others are afraid that the mini-pig could be dangerous for children. Mash writes about this.

According to the telegram channel, last fall an unpleasant smell appeared in the Krasny Aksai residential complex. The locals determined which apartment it was coming from and found out that a domestic pig lived there.

The owner promised that the stink would stop as soon as he trained the pet to use the litter box. But this never happened.

Residents have repeatedly contacted the administration and other supervisory inspectorates. However, they were refused everywhere.

Officials did not see the poor maintenance of the animal. And Rospotrebnadzor explained that they cannot check individuals.

According to the telegram channel, now dissatisfied Rostov residents have decided to go to court.


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