A player from the KVN major league champion team was found dead

A player from the KVN major league champion team was found dead


Player of the KVN team “Asia Mix” Dzhumanaliev died at 43

As a result of a head injury, former KVN participant from the Asia Mix team Marat Dzhumanaliev, known as Maratik, died suddenly at the age of 43.

As his friend Abzhurakhman Murtazaliev reported on social networks, Dzhumanaliev died at home after an unfortunate fall.

Marat Dzhumanaliev, as part of the Asia Mix team, won the title of champion of the KVN major league, and in 2018 the summer cup. Then he was involved in blogging and charity work.

In addition, Dzhumanaliev was engaged in boxing and often acted as a sparring partner for famous boxers.

According to the Kyrgyz agency AKI Press, farewell to Marat Jumanaliev will take place on March 15 in the central mosque of Bishkek after Friday prayers.


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