A domestic lapdog that had lived in the forest for a year and a half was rescued in the Moscow region

A domestic lapdog that had lived in the forest for a year and a half was rescued in the Moscow region


A Maltese that went missing a year and a half ago was found in Podolsk

In Podolsk, Moscow region, a Maltese dog was found that lived for a year and a half in the forest. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Caution, Moscow

As it became known, a dog named Sugar was left in a pet store a year and a half ago by the owner, who allegedly came in for advice. She left the store saying “just a minute” and never returned. The lapdog was sheltered, but the next day she ran away. The search for the animal led nowhere.

The Maltese dog was discovered by the dog of the chairman of SNT Berezka during a walk. She found the missing pet by smell and began to bark loudly. The owners heard barking and came over. They saw a tortured dog in the snow and called for help.

According to animal rights activist Igor Hayrapetyan, the dog was on the verge of death. Huge tangles saved her from death, since thanks to them the animal did not freeze. Now everything is fine with Sugar, he is receiving help at the Lyubertsy shelter.


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