A branch of the Kostroma Romanov Center will develop the game of small towns using funds from a presidential grant

A branch of the Kostroma Romanov Center will develop the game of small towns using funds from a presidential grant


The Sharya branch of the Romanovsky Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled became the winner in the competition for presidential grants, which was organized by the National Priorities ANO with the support of the Russian Ministry of Labor as part of the implementation of the national project “Demography”.

The project “Towns of Sharya” he proposed was recognized as one of the best practices for the rehabilitation of people who have suffered serious injuries – and will now receive funds for the propaganda and promotion of this half-forgotten (alas!) sport.

It is worth noting that in Sharya in 2023, Euro-town competitions have already been organized among branches of the Romanovsky Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled.

Now the plans of the Sharya gorodoshki athletes have expanded – with the help of the presidential grant it will be possible to hold interregional competitions in towns with the involvement of other regions of the Central Federal District, as well as create a school in gorodosh sports in Sharya for training for coaches, teachers, athletes and simply lovers of towns.


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