Dozens of Altai residents mobilized by mistake returned home

Dozens of Altai residents mobilized by mistake returned home


In the Altai Territory, 59 mobilized conscripts were returned to “citizenship”. As it turned out, they do not comply with the selection rules announced earlier by the RF Ministry of Defense.

About the return of conscripts reported Telegram channel regional government following the meeting of the regional headquarters for the mobilization campaign. According to the report, it was possible to return the conscripts thanks to the joint work of regional and municipal authorities.

“Statements (about mistakes in the course of mobilization.— “b”) keep coming. We check every one. A special commission is working, individual proceedings are being held. Where the information is confirmed (this happens in isolated cases), a decision is made to return such a person home,” Mr. Tomenko said at a meeting of the headquarters.

The heads of Yakutia, Sevastopol, Buryatia and the Vladimir region also spoke about violations during the mobilization. Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov informedthat according to the results of processing complaints from residents of the region, the call of 75 people was canceled.

More details – in the material “Kommersant FM” “Regions correct mistakes”.

Valery Lavsky, Novosibirsk


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