United Russia members will tell voters about the president’s message and the upcoming elections

United Russia members will tell voters about the president's message and the upcoming elections


Working with HOAs and primary owners

Also, on the eve of the elections, deputies should hold meetings with residents of apartment buildings (residents, house elders, HOA activists), informing them about changes in the legislation on housing and communal services. Such events began on January 15 and will continue until March 14. Among the goals of the events is the collection of the most pressing problems, although Vedomosti sources in the party believe that information about the elections will also be discussed to increase turnout.
In addition, deputies this week, as part of the Year of United Russia’s primary organizations, should communicate with local branches of the party. The goal of United Russia in 2024 is to “give new tools for the work” of primary branches. And the “first exam,” as the recommendations say, awaits in March: “This is the organization of turnout for the presidential elections.” State Duma deputies will need to work with primary voters in their constituencies.


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