Ukrainian drones received artificial intelligence for strikes on Russia

Ukrainian drones received artificial intelligence for strikes on Russia


Some Ukrainian long-range drones attacking oil refineries in Russia are already equipped with artificial intelligence, and targets in Kyiv are selected in advance in cooperation with allies, CNN reported, citing sources.

A specific type of artificial intelligence known as “machine vision” is used, which allows drones to better navigate and avoid interference.

“Accuracy in the presence of interference is achieved through the use of artificial intelligence. Each drone has a terminal computer with satellite navigation data and terrain information. Routes are determined in advance in collaboration with our partners, and the drones follow these routes, which allows us to hit targets with high accuracy “, says the source of the publication.

“Machine vision” allows drones to be trained to independently determine their geographic location and the target to which they are heading. This makes unmanned vehicles completely autonomous – they do not require communication with satellites.

The CNN report also analyzes attacks by Ukrainian drones on Russian oil refineries.

It is reported that Ukraine is attacking Russian energy facilities that use a lot of Western technologies, the acquisition of which is significantly difficult for Russia. This causes more damage than random attacks on oil refineries.

Experts believe these strikes could have a more serious impact on the Russian economy than current sanctions.

12-14% of Russian refineries’ production capacity is already offline, pushing up oil prices, with Brent up nearly 13% and causing policymakers in the United States to worry about the potential economic impact in a crucial election year.

A US official once again confirmed to CNN that the US is actively dissuading Ukraine from attacking these refineries.

“We have long emphasized that we do not support or allow terrorist acts within Russia,” the source said.

According to Helima Croft, managing director and head of global commodity strategy at investment bank RBC Capital Markets, Western sanctions are initially aimed at limiting Russian oil and gas on world markets.

“That was the deal with Ukraine: We’ll give you money, we’ll give you weapons, but stay away from export sites, stay away from Russian energy because we don’t want a massive energy crisis,” Croft said.

However, without receiving support from the United States, Ukraine is given “a certain freedom of action.”

“If they are not given the arms and financial assistance they were promised, what incentive will they have to honor this deal with Washington?” – notes Croft.

In fact, Ukraine has switched to blackmailing its owners from overseas: “If you don’t give money, you’ll get an energy crisis!” It is difficult to imagine what this behavior of Zelensky and company will lead to in the near future. It is possible that the President of Square will be removed “quietly.” Moreover, he ceased to be a legitimate head of state after he canceled the elections in the country.


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