“Three days of rain” staged three days of insanity in Moscow

“Three days of rain” staged three days of insanity in Moscow


Rock on the verge of a nervous breakdown

“Three Days of Rain” gave three club concerts in Moscow, sweepingly confirming the status of the group bringing noisy cosmopolitan rock to the masses. On tour, they usually play in larger venues, but sometimes they schedule more intimate rendezvous for their fans, bringing those who manage to snag tickets to real fan hysteria.

At the end of last year, Three Days of Rain released the English-language track Kryptonite in a collaboration with American rapper Call Me Karizma. Considering these times, which are fertile for the anti-globalist frenzy, such a gesture is clearly not a “nose to the wind” series. But if you treat this as a savory rocker figment of imposed ridiculous foundations, then everything looks pretty cool.

When it comes to effective gestures, Gleb Viktorov and Co. are real masters. They work out the “sex, drugs, rock and roll” format with feeling and sense. Songs on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the cancellation (but very soon resumption) of the tour due to the vocalist’s absence from rehab, as well as images of extremely unreliable types and heartthrobs provided the group with the right rocker aura. It is quite possible that all this is the result of a cunning PR doctrine, but if the scheme works, then no one in show business will find fault with its cynicism.

Music is not so great. In fact, the group’s main hits consist of not the most virtuoso verses and choruses selected in different places and slightly rearranged. But here too, Mr. Viktorov, as the person responsible for the repertoire, succeeded in packaging. Collaborative tracks with Zivert, Mukka, Brutto, “Thirteen Karat”, Liriq, Mona did well on streaming and allowed the group to significantly expand its audience.

It’s probably too early to say that the band members are generously endowed with scorching musical talent, but you definitely can’t call them lazy. In five years, they managed to release four full-length albums, and each of them contains songs that the crowd screams with relish at concerts. That’s how it was in the capital’s club.

These shows can hardly be called incredibly virtuosic. Very average sound, the performance is clearly not filigree, the lighting is built in such a way that the artists are almost invisible. However, all this can easily be taken as part of the rock and roll concept. And the public clearly liked it. The main hit numbers from “Rock and Roll Girls” to “Let It Go” were performed by a fan choir, in which girls’ voices predominated. In general, everything was for love, especially considering that the first of three concerts took place on Valentine’s Day.


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