The State Duma and the Federation Council may not publish declarations even in a generalized form

The State Duma and the Federation Council may not publish declarations even in a generalized form


Statements on social media

Some deputies published information about their income in their social networks. On March 19, a message appeared on the Volodin Saratov Telegram channel that State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin declared 80.9 million rubles for 2022. Alexander Khinshtein, chairman of the Duma Committee on Information Policy, did the same – he published in his Telegram channel information about his income (7.6 million rubles) and his wife (384,618 rubles). “Fair Russia” on its website published the declarations of all deputies of the faction. Almost all deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation published data on their incomes in their social networks, State Duma deputy, press secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Yushchenko told Vedomosti. The press service of the New People says that they will not publish information on the website, but some deputies do it privately. For example, she published information about the income of the deputy head of the New People faction Sardan Avksentiev – 6 million rubles. The press service of the Liberal Democratic Party said that they do not publish information on income on the website, but deputies can do this personally – for example, in their social networks. Senators personally did not publish information about their income for 2022.


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