The President of Finland called on NATO to abandon belligerence towards the Russian Federation

The President of Finland called on NATO to abandon belligerence towards the Russian Federation


The President of Finland called on NATO to abandon belligerent words addressed to Russia

The new President of Finland, Alexandre Stubb, who recently took office, called on Europe to abandon bellicose words addressed to Russia. The British newspaper Financial Times wrote about this.

According to the head of state, European countries need to focus on immediate assistance to Kyiv and preparing their own armed forces for a possible conflict.

Stubb also said he was concerned about “warlike words” that Russia is going to test NATO’s collective defense clause and Europe “will be next in line.”

“I think we should prepare for this, but I think it is extremely unlikely,” the Finnish president told the Financial Times.

Previously, Alexander Stubb stated that Finland has no reason to send its own troops to Ukraine. He stated that Helsinki supports Kyiv in every possible way.


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