The Ministry of Education and Science recommended that universities increase scholarships to the subsistence level

The Ministry of Education and Science recommended that universities increase scholarships to the subsistence level


The Ministry of Education and Science sent a letter to universities with recommendations to fix the size of student scholarships at a level not lower than the subsistence level. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education Konstantin Mogilevsky.

“Each university has its own approaches to scholarships, universities enjoy a certain autonomy in this sense, but the state creates a framework, these frameworks should be exactly like this: the sum of two scholarships (academic and social.— “Ъ”) should not be below the subsistence level. That is, those who need scholarships as a source of livelihood will be implemented in relation to them,” said Mr. Mogilevsky during a working trip to Rostov-on-Don (quoted by TASS).

From 2024, the cost of living in Russia is 15,453 rubles. per capita, for the working population – 16,844 rubles, for pensioners – 13,290 rubles, for children – 14,989 rubles. The cost of living is set once a year. 2022 was an exception – then the indicator was indexed twice: from January 1 and from June 1. In each Russian region, the cost of living is calculated individually.

About the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science to support students – in the publication “Kommersant” “Universities are preparing places for preschoolers”.

Milena Kostereva


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