The labor market has turned upside down since the beginning of mobilization

The labor market has turned upside down since the beginning of mobilization


Since the announcement of partial mobilization in Russia, there have already been changes in the labor market. In particular, analysts of the personnel sector record a decrease in demand for workers in science, education, the public sector and NGOs. For applicants, the most important criteria are the reservation from the army – and, for the first time in many years, the meaningfulness of their work in terms of the current situation.

The statistics of posted resumes and vacancies from the first days of mobilization showed dynamic changes. So, according to analysts of the personnel portal, for the week from September 19 to September 25, the demand for employees in science and education fell immediately by 7.3% compared to the previous week, and even more in the public sector and NGOs – by 12, eight%.

True, in general, the number of active vacancies on the portal even increased – by 0.2%. And the “engine” here was marketing (1.5% growth) and consulting (+1.6%).

These are statistics – “on the ground” turbulence is felt much more. On the one hand, “burning” vacancies are appearing right now – to replace employees who left the country against the backdrop of mobilization, as well as to temporarily replace those mobilized.

Thus, an urgent search for MK specialists was reported in one of the federal museums in Moscow. A number of employees decided to leave the country (in particular, PR specialists and even some research assistants-custodians), others received summons – among them, for example, restorers.

“Not all vacancies are posted publicly, there are several considerations for this at once,” the MK interlocutor emphasized. – But in any case, now and in the near future we will look for many people. Unless, of course, mobilization causes us to reduce staff.

In IT companies and the media, on the contrary, there are a full house of applicants. “We have a real competition of cool developers,” the personnel officer of one of the companies developing computer security systems, including those under government orders, told MK. According to her, the company does not plan to expand yet, it will be possible only after the revision of development plans, but the personnel situation turned out to be favorable.

Some employers, especially in the IT sector, are switching to a hybrid scheme of work – they organize a branch in any of the CIS countries (often it is Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan). This makes it possible to attract employees to work there as well, offering relocation.

“This is our version of mobilization armor,” admits the director of one such company based in St. Petersburg and opening a branch in Astana. – The fact is that we cannot yet claim a place in the register of Mincifa, besides, almost no one is issued an official reservation in the form of a “final piece of paper”. And the guys would like guarantees.

The search for armor is one of the expected effects after the start of mobilization. But there is another: the number of resumes of medical workers has grown, analysts say. This means that many have decided to find a job that definitely “changes the world for the better.”

“I regret that I didn’t finish a medical college as a second education,” says Ekaterina Valerieva, a Muscovite. – But I’m considering the option of first aid courses at least. To be able to help if needed.

– With the beginning of mobilization, the labor market is actually turned upside down, – career consultant Alexander Brook explains to MK. And each industry does it differently. Where a year ago there was an “applicant’s market” (for example, in the “defense industry”, where they were looking for smart engineers by profile in the afternoon with fire), now there is an “employer’s market”. Personnel officers have the opportunity to choose, and modest compensation in the presence of armor becomes competitive.

And vice versa, where there used to be a queue of applicants (PR, culture), suitable candidates must be sought, Brook notes. And the HR of the employer is now forced to come to terms with certain characteristics of the candidate. For example, if earlier there was an informal filter based on beliefs or even gender of a candidate, there were such organizations in the cultural sphere… Now the main thing for them is to find who will fill the position.

– I can not say that it was more difficult for the applicant now, – the expert emphasizes. – Yes, all labor market participants have to be more flexible, reconsider their preferences and sometimes move to related industries. But finding a job, as well as filling a vacancy, is still not so difficult.


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