The Kremlin agreed with Medvedev’s statement about the loss of legal personality by Moldova

The Kremlin agreed with Medvedev's statement about the loss of legal personality by Moldova


The Moldovan authorities are taking steps towards a takeover by Romania. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

“They have already destroyed their language. It is no longer called the Moldavian language there. We also see a drift towards absorption from Romania. We see actions aimed at deliberately curtailing our own sovereignty. Therefore, in this sense, indeed, quite interesting processes are taking place there. And this story does not correlate with the mood in society. We all see protests, a huge number of those who disagree with such a policy in the country,” he said.

Moldova is also doing its best to become an unfriendly country where Russophobic sentiments flourish, Peskov said. “They [власти Молдавии] think it’s [процветание русофобии] should be an absolutely obligatory attribute of European integration – to hate Russia and any Russian manifestations,” he added.

Earlier today, April 28, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev declaredthat the Moldovan authorities sold the country to Romania. “There is no such country anymore. Local chiefs sold it to Romania, becoming traitors to their homeland. And it makes no sense to talk about anything with them, ”he wrote. Medvedev also noted that now no one is going to go to Moldova, but admitted that this could happen “somehow later.”

Thus, he commented on the long list of people with a ban on entry into the territory of Moldova, which was told by the country’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean. According to him, this list is not public, and therefore many of those who are on it learn about the ban only when they try to enter the republic. This list also includes Russian President Vladimir Putin, Rechan added.


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