The expert gave advice on how to profitably sell a dacha

The expert gave advice on how to profitably sell a dacha


“The main thing is to be completely honest with a potential buyer”

Interest in suburban real estate both in the Moscow region and in neighboring regions remains high. Spring is the season when demand for the purchase of a summer house or plot intensifies. Analyst Elena Mishchenko told how to sell a dacha quickly and profitably in the spring.

The first step to a successful sale is writing a competent ad. It is necessary to describe in detail where the house is located: the distance from the city, the time it takes to get there by personal and public transport (the last factor is more important than the first). It is important to indicate the condition of the road leading to the house – it may be far from ideal. If the buyer sees that you are honest from the beginning, the chance of a successful deal increases significantly.

The next parameter is infrastructure: the presence of kindergartens, schools, pharmacies, shops, cafes, order pick-up points.

Indicate in detail the characteristics of the house: the area of ​​the building, utility rooms and land, the availability of communications, the quality of mobile communications and the Internet. It is important to inform what building materials were used in the construction of the house, whether it is suitable for permanent residence or suitable only for summer holidays, how much the maintenance costs, and whether the soil is fertile.

When composing your ad text, you need to understand the target audience. For summer residents, the quality of the soil is fundamental; for buyers planning to move out of town – infrastructure and quality of communication; for investors planning to rent out, the condition of the house.

The ad must be illustrated with high-quality photographs. It is better to take pictures in sunny weather, after cleaning the house and clearing the area. The images should not contain unnecessary objects.

“Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of documents for sale,” says Elena Mishchenko, head of the city real estate department of the NDV Supermarket Real Estate company. – According to our company, 60% of owners have legal problems with the property, including serious encumbrances, which will take months to deal with and only through the courts. For example, long-term issues include incorrect land surveying in a village.

The standard list of documents includes a contract of sale, exchange or donation, a certificate of inheritance, a cadastral passport of the property and a boundary plan, a resolution of a state authority or local government on the allocation of a land plot.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate will allow you to confirm ownership. Another important document is the GPZU (urban planning plan for the development of the site), which is necessary to determine the area for the construction of a house and identify hidden communications.


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