The body deserved peace: Lenin asked to be buried next to his mother

The body deserved peace: Lenin asked to be buried next to his mother


On the 100th anniversary of the death of the leader of the world revolution, VTsIOM again conducted a survey on what to do with Lenin’s body, which has not been buried for a century.

About thirty years ago, such discussions were in trend, they argued until they were hoarse and almost to the point of a fight, where to put the remains of Vladimir Ilyich?

Then they agreed that it was not yet time for a funeral.

Many old communists were still alive. It was they who spoke out categorically against burial. Their feelings as “believers in Lenin’s ideas” should not have been offended.

As if the victory of the world revolution depended on whether these remains lay on the ground or underground.

However, there was another reason not to bury it: under Yeltsin, the authorities were openly afraid of mass rallies and speeches at the funeral ceremony.

Although in the early 90s no one expected a world revolution for a long time, and the only experimental society built on the theories of Marxism-Leninism turned out to be completely unviable and destroyed itself. The nature of people cannot be changed so quickly. Everything will definitely return to normal.

Then the debate about the fate of Lenin’s body somehow subsided.

And even now, if they discuss it, it’s somehow lazy, they only remembered now the specific round date of death.

By and large, no one cares. He lies there and lies there. Scientists over there are experimenting with it, so at least it has benefits for science.

Today, 57% of respondents are in favor of burying Lenin. At the same time, 30% believe that this should be done as soon as possible, and another 27% believe that they should wait “until the generation for whom Lenin is still dear has passed away.”

A small dried up mummy in a coffin and an endless line of people waiting for her… Until the beginning of the 90s, this was actually a picture taken from Red Square. Every day is Groundhog Day.

Do you really not feel sorry for this dead man?

Regardless of whether you evaluate his activities as a minus or a plus?

And to those who believe that he destroyed a great empire. And those who, on the contrary, believe that they wanted happiness for everyone, and did not just take revenge for their brother executed by the king?

If you don’t know how to answer the question of whether to bury Lenin or not, ask yourself.

My God, is there anyone who would wish such a fate for themselves posthumously and forever?

To be exposed to public viewing, constantly subjected to scientific research…

Regular sampling for fungi, mold, viruses…

They wash, re-embalm, “fix”, put patches on. The brain was cut into thin slices to find the cause of Lenin’s “genius.” What’s left? Almost nothing.

Perhaps the immortal soul, in which he himself, as you know, did not believe.

And if it does exist, what then?

When will she find her peace?

Lenin himself, as you know, initially asked to be buried next to his mother. He could not even imagine that he would become the subject of a unique and cruel experiment. The widow Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya also insisted on a speedy burial. But their wish was not fulfilled.

The go-ahead for embalming was given by Stalin, who, as is known, studied at the seminary. The new ideology needed sacred symbols, artifacts and relics.

“This does not contradict old Russian customs. Place him in a specially equipped crypt.”

One way or another, of course, this body, or rather, what was left of it, deserved peace.

With its hundred-year ordeals, it seems to me that it has already paid for everything it has done. And we are with him.

Read also: The USSR that we lost: what Lenin failed to do

Vladimir Lenin died 100 years ago: photo of the creator of the world’s first socialist state

Vladimir Lenin died 100 years ago: photo of the creator of the world's first socialist state

See photo gallery on the topic


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