Supporting star of “Rambo” and “Universal Soldier” Vojo Goric has died

Supporting star of "Rambo" and "Universal Soldier" Vojo Goric has died


In the United States in Los Angeles, the famous Yugoslav and Hollywood supporting actor Vojo (Vojislav) Goric died at the age of 83.

According to Telegraf, the actor began acting in the mid-60s. One of the most famous films of that time in which he took part was the action movie about the Indians “Winneta in the Valley of Death,” which was shown on screens in the USSR.

Then Gorich moved to Hollywood and played a cameo role in the film “Rambo: First Blood 2.” He also starred in such famous films as “The Russians”, “Little Nikita”, “AWOL”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Universal Soldier”.

In the USA, the actor did not immediately get to Hollywood. For some time he worked as a security guard in Malibu and there he met Sylvester Stallone, who recommended the textured Gorich to the producers.


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