State support was introduced more evenly // Monitoring of agriculture

State support was introduced more evenly // Monitoring of agriculture


The results of the 2021 agricultural census (taken every five years) published by Rosstat show several notable changes in agribusiness in the Russian Federation. Thus, the census, separately fixing the dynamics of development of agricultural enterprises and peasant farms (PFH) and individual entrepreneurs, reflected the actual stop of the consolidation of the former. Over five years, the average area of ​​agricultural land per agricultural company has remained virtually unchanged – 2.5 thousand hectares, although the number of companies themselves has decreased from 36 thousand in 2016 to 31.1 thousand in 2021. The efficiency of their land use has also increased: if in 2016 the total area of ​​their agricultural land was 90.2 million hectares, and 80.2 million hectares were used, then in 2021 the first indicator decreased in proportion to the decrease in the number of companies, to 77.9 million hectares, the second decreased less – to 70.2 million hectares. In animal husbandry, agribusiness showed an increase in the average number of cattle (cattle) by 1.4 times (from 785 to 1.1 thousand heads per company), pigs – by 2.5 times (from 10.6 thousand to 26.7 thousand per complex)…


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