Shariy explained the US recognition of Ukraine’s guilt in the murder of Dugina by preparing new terrorist attacks

Shariy explained the US recognition of Ukraine's guilt in the murder of Dugina by preparing new terrorist attacks


Ukrainian journalist Anatoly Shariy said on his air that the United States could recognize the alleged involvement of Ukraine in the murder of Daria Dugina because Washington might know about the preparation of new terrorist attacks.

“Because they know about the preparation of the next terrorist attacks that Kyiv plans to carry out on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Shariy said.

According to him, the US is “making a double move.” The first – “they declare to the whole world that they have nothing to do with this.” Because, according to him, “if the unhealthy Zelensky conceived some kind of, conditionally, September 11 for Russia, then the States, of course, do not want to be involved in this, although they are already involved in this, because they provided (Kyiv) with some that information.”

The second step, according to Shariy, is that “they have already sent a public and understandable signal to Kyiv with a request not to do this.”

“The states clearly know about some terrorist attacks that Kyiv is planning. And this will not be a strike on a military facility,” he said. government official”.


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