Russia has imposed sanctions against members of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada – Kommersant

Russia has imposed sanctions against members of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada – Kommersant


Russia included 56 Canadian citizens on its sanctions list. Members of the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and managers of a number of companies in the country’s military-industrial complex were permanently banned from entering the Russian Federation.

“In response to sanctions constantly imposed by the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau against representatives of the Russian leadership, the business community, academia and civil society, as well as anyone who is disliked by official Ottawa, which is guarding the pro-Nazi regime in Kiev, entry into the Russian Federation is permanently closed for 56 citizens Canada,” says the message Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The sanctions list included the president of the NGO “Embroidery Association”, legal assistant to the member of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada from the Conservative Party L. Brock Vladimir Palagnyuk, Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Edmonton David Motyuk, Bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Diocese of Toronto Brian Baida, as well as the General Director of Raytheon Canada Ltd. Harry Wenman, President and CEO of Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Canada Ltd. Rick Gerbrecht and others.

In early March, the Canadian government expanded sanctions against Russia in connection with the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Canada refused Russia in the extradition of 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka (Gunko), who served in the SS Galicia division during World War II. Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation applied with a corresponding request in December 2023.

Read more about the situation with Yaroslav Hunka in the material “The old SS man doesn’t spoil the prison”.

Evgeny Belousov


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