Russia has a choice between importing migrants and increasing labor productivity – Kommersant

Russia has a choice between importing migrants and increasing labor productivity – Kommersant


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the country needs to either increase labor productivity or attract labor migrants. In his opinion, in the coming years the economy will experience a shortage of personnel.

“I would like to emphasize that, taking into account demographic challenges, in the coming years the Russian economy will experience a high need and even a shortage of personnel. This is absolutely accurate. We must understand this, we will live with this in the coming years,” Mr. Putin said at the congress of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (quote from “Interfax”).

According to the president, it is “critically important” to increase labor productivity, modernize industry, agriculture, the service sector and other sectors of the economy and social sphere. To do this, you need to use digital technologies, automation of production and management processes. According to the head of state, this should lead to improved working conditions for specialists and an increase in their income.

“We don’t have much choice – either we need to import labor from abroad, or increase labor productivity,” Mr. Putin added.

During his address to the Federal Assembly at the end of February, Vladimir Putin announced the launch of a new national project called “Personnel.” Its stated goal is to coordinate the professional self-realization of Russians with the capabilities of the education system and the greatly changed requirements of the labor market.

Read more about the program in the Kommersant material. “Department of Missing Personnel”.

Leonid Uvarchev


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