Putin restricts foreign participation in Russian news aggregators

Putin restricts foreign participation in Russian news aggregators


Russian President Vladimir Putin signed law, which involves limiting foreign participation in news aggregators. It establishes that a controlling stake in news aggregators (more than 50%) must be owned by Russian citizens. Amendments are being made to the laws “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” and “On Communications”.

Site owners are prohibited from acting:

  • to a foreign state;
  • international organization;
  • foreign legal entity;
  • Russian legal entity with foreign participation;
  • a foreigner or a citizen of Russia who has the citizenship of another state.

These persons are also prohibited from owning and managing more than 20% of the shares of the news aggregator. For non-compliance with the requirements, access to the news aggregator will be limited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

State information system operators are required by law to use hosting providers. The basis for inclusion in the register of sites containing prohibited information may be the publication of information on how to access blocked resources.


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