Polish carriers will again block the checkpoint on the Ukrainian border

Polish carriers will again block the checkpoint on the Ukrainian border


Polish carriers reported that on Monday they will resume blocking the Dorohusk-Yagodin checkpoint on the border with Ukraine.

Earlier, the head of the Polish commune Dorohusk, Wojciech Sawa, banned the action of Polish carriers. However, on Friday the Lublin court overturned this decision and the transport workers decided to continue their action, which could last until March 8.

Thus, the queue of Ukrainian trucks at this checkpoint may again increase to several thousand vehicles. At the same time, Polish carriers promise to carry military cargo and humanitarian aid. Let us recall that Ukraine previously stated that due to the action of Polish carriers, military cargo and humanitarian aid also began to arrive with a large delay.

In the queue on the Polish side, which stretched for 50 km, several Ukrainian drivers had already died.


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