Peskov commented on Hungary’s intention to “return” Transcarpathia

Peskov commented on Hungary’s intention to “return” Transcarpathia


Peskov suggested turning to the far right on the issue of Hungary returning Transcarpathia

Kremlin official Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of the head of the far-right Hungarian party Our Motherland, Laszlo Torotzkai, about claims regarding Transcarpathia after Ukraine’s defeat in the conflict.

“Contact the ultra-right,” said the Russian president’s press secretary, answering a question about what the Kremlin thought about the Hungarian politician’s statement.

Earlier, the leader of the Our Motherland party, Laszlo Torockai, said that his party is the only one that expresses its intention to “return” Transcarpathia in the event that Ukraine is defeated in the conflict.


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