Independent: Ukrainian refugees in Britain are being housed with criminals

Independent: Ukrainian refugees in Britain are being housed with criminals


Independent: Ukrainian refugees in Britain are being housed with criminals

In the UK, as part of the government program “Homes for Ukraine”, refugees are placed with those suspected of serious crimes, says the investigative journalism editions of The Independent.

According to journalists, some refugees were forced to work for their employers, were charged rent, and in one case, a couple with a small child were sent to live with a convicted pedophile. According to a representative of the municipal authorities, in the worst cases, Ukrainians moved into such houses “simply disappeared.”

As Maris Stratulis, national director of the British Association of Social Workers, noted, for some refugees the program “literally became a lifeline, a safe and positive experience.” But for others, security turned out to be imaginary – “their human rights and needs were not protected.”


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