In Ecuador, the storming of the Mexican embassy was explained

In Ecuador, the storming of the Mexican embassy was explained


The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry commented on the storming of the Mexican embassy

The Ecuadorian authorities organized an assault on the Mexican embassy in Quito, since former Vice President Jorge Glas, who was hiding there, could have fled abroad, said the country’s Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld.

According to her, the final decision was made by the President of Ecuador, since Glas had to stand trial.

Earlier it was reported that on the night of April 6, Ecuadorian law enforcement officers stormed the Mexican Embassy, ​​taking away the country’s former Vice President Jorge Glas. Armored vehicles were used during the assault, and diplomats were injured. There was a court decision against the official in a corruption case. Glas had been hiding in the Mexican embassy since December last year, and on April 5, Mexican authorities granted him political asylum. The Ecuadorian government later called this decision illegal and demanded the official’s extradition. Mexico later severed diplomatic relations with Ecuador.


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