Ex-Foreign Minister of Poland Sikorsky: corruption and megalomania are to blame for the situation in Ukraine

Ex-Foreign Minister of Poland Sikorsky: corruption and megalomania are to blame for the situation in Ukraine


Corruption and megalomania of the elites have led the Ukrainian economy to a deplorable state, former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorsky said in an interview with Krytyka Polityczna.

“Their elites were just wasting their time hiding their corruption and megalomania behind the story that they are playing some big game with the US, Russia, Europe, China,” he said.

Sikorsky believes that Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR was more developed than Poland. Kyiv had a territory with atomic blocks, an aircraft industry, fertile land and no debts, he pointed out. However, in 2022, before the outbreak of hostilities, Ukraine’s GDP was already four times less than Poland’s.

Sikorsky believes that the citizens of Ukraine now have to pay dearly for the actions of their authorities.


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