Deputies proposed that the government soften the criteria for receiving child benefits

Deputies proposed that the government soften the criteria for receiving child benefits


Deputies propose that the government soften the property requirements for families with children under 17 years of age applying for a single benefit. The approach should be more flexible in relation to families with different life situations, they say. This is stated in the conclusion of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children on the draft federal budget for 2024 and the planning period 2025–2026. Last year, the number of refusals due to failure to pass property and income qualifications was at 61%, the document says.

The authors of the conclusion note that in total over three years more than 4 trillion rubles will be allocated for the payment of a single benefit. (RUB 1.3 trillion in 2024, RUB 1.4 trillion in 2025, RUB 1.6 trillion in 2026). The allocated budget funds are intended to be paid to the number of families with children that meet the income and property requirements. The authorities previously stated that about 10 million citizens would be able to receive it. Now, according to the Ministry of Labor, 9.924 million children and 342,000 pregnant women receive the unified child benefit in Russia.


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