British bank Barclays will pay its shareholders 10 billion pounds – Kommersant

British bank Barclays will pay its shareholders 10 billion pounds - Kommersant


One of the largest banks in the UK and Europe, Barclays, as part of its quarterly and annual presentation reporting announced a major reform of its structure and management to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Barclays will make a series of changes to its senior management and will focus on developing its UK retail and corporate banking, servicing high-net-worth individuals and expanding its investment and retail banking services in the US.

As part of the plan, the bank also intends to reduce costs by £2 billion by 2026. In addition, Barclays intends to increase dividend payments to its shareholders. If in 2023 they received a total of £3 billion, then by 2026 they will already receive £10 billion.

Investors positively assessed Barclays’ reform plan – after the publication of financial statements and the restructuring project, the bank’s shares rose in price by 7%.

Evgeny Khvostik


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