Balance believes that a separate federal district should be created for the annexed regions

Balance believes that a separate federal district should be created for the annexed regions


For the regions annexed to Russia, a separate federal district should be created, said the acting governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo. He called this option expedient, but clarified that there are “various options for the development of the organizational structure.”

“In my opinion, of course, it would probably be advisable in the future, judging by the logistics, transport proximity, special legislation (economic.— “b”) of the regime that will now be introduced, create a new district. But the decision will be made by the president and the government,” he said in an interview with RIA Novosti at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

On September 30, 2022, President Vladimir Putin included the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions into Russia following the results of the referendums held there. These four regions are under martial law. In the DNR and LNR persist former structures of governments and parliaments, in which there are no Russian parties yet. In May 2023, Mr. Putin signed a law providing for the possibility of holding elections in territories where martial law is in effect. Elections there will be held on the September single voting day.

Details – in the material “Kommersant” “Free expression of will”.

Laura Keffer


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