Analyst Belyaev analyzed options for saving money from inflation: “A ruble deposit is more profitable than gold”

Analyst Belyaev analyzed options for saving money from inflation: “A ruble deposit is more profitable than gold”


Russians do not change their habits and continue to invest in the domestic currency. In February, according to preliminary data from banking statistics, as in previous months, they actively transferred their savings to ruble deposits. But is this the right tactic for saving your money from inflation? Indeed, other financial instruments have recently hinted at their profitability. In particular, gold and the most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, recently demonstrated absolute value records. So where is it better for an ordinary person to invest his ruble reserves?

In the fourth quarter of last year, the volume of deposits increased by 4.4 trillion rubles. This is a historical maximum, which can be explained quite simply. In December, the regulator raised the key rate to 16%, improving the yield on deposits of steel and banks. On average, today the rate remains at 14-17% per annum. When did this happen?!

But we should not forget that in the arsenal of a private investor (or, if without pathos, an ordinary person “on the street”) there are other financial instruments in which he may well invest: dollars, and yuan, and gold, and even less understandable for bitcoin. Maybe it makes sense to put some of your savings into “different baskets”?

“Today, for an ordinary depositor, there is no more profitable instrument than a ruble deposit,” financial analyst, Candidate of Economic Sciences Mikhail Belyaev is convinced. – All other proposals require either additional knowledge or carry increased risks. Now is simply a unique moment: high profitability and absence of risks.

I believe that this situation will continue for at least another six months. The deposit rate will be at a high level. No other currency available to Russians can compete with it. In addition, each of us retains control over our contributions.

– But the ruble, nevertheless, is becoming cheaper compared to the dollar and the euro…

– Watching the exchange rate of foreign currencies, you understand that the ruble has a tendency to creepingly weaken in relation to toxic currencies or the yuan. But in any case, the deposit will bring more income than other foreign money. Moreover, you will buy and sell them not at the official rate of the Central Bank, but at the one set by a commercial bank. These are different stories.

– You say that the ruble has no competitors. What about Bitcoin, which has reached its historically most expensive level?

– Today it costs about 70 thousand dollars. If you have such funds, you can take the risk. Just remember that its rate is subject to serious fluctuations up and down.

– It seems that it happened that it fell almost to zero?

– Now this is impossible. Market capitalization is 1.4 trillion dollars. Too many serious players have entered this market. They will not allow this digital unit to fall like an avalanche.

But you need a large amount of money for “entrance” – 70 thousand dollars, roughly speaking, 7 million rubles. Not every Russian has such free money. So this investment is for a select few.

– What if you buy bitcoin by sharing, for several people?

– Theoretically, this is possible, I assume that similar services already exist. Let’s say one unit for 10 people, 700 thousand rubles per person. But how will they then divide this coin, for example, if some of the participants want to sell it to get real money, but others don’t?

– And gold, is it also at its peak now?

– The same story as with cryptocurrency. If you have serious money and are ready to “recharge” for the long term, then you can invest in gold. Otherwise it is a useless exercise. You will not have the same return as with ruble investments. You will have to wait a long time for your savings to increase.

It should be taken into account that in addition to “physical” gold – bars, coins – you can open “gold accounts”, or, to put it correctly, impersonal metal accounts, compulsory medical insurance. This is a bank account where you can buy, store and sell precious metals. You don’t have the metal itself in your hands; it is credited in grams to a special account. When you sell your gold, the bank looks at the quotes for that day and, in accordance with them, settles the client.

In principle, it can be considered as an investment option. These are not gold bars that need to be stored somewhere and pay, for example, to rent a safe deposit box. And not jewelry. If they are not of artistic value, then you will simply sell them as scrap – which is extremely unprofitable.

So we return to the original thesis: today there is nothing better than a ruble deposit for the average citizen.


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