An official from the Nizhny Novgorod region will teach government officials

An official from the Nizhny Novgorod region will teach government officials


Andrei Betin, vice-governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, is planned to be appointed rector of the Senezh management workshop. This was reported to Vedomosti by two interlocutors close to the presidential administration (AP). It was in this region that the Kremlin curator of domestic policy, the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, began his career. One of Vedomosti’s sources explains that the position of Senezh’s rector was vacant and Betin’s candidacy is being considered for it. According to the second interlocutor, the appointment will take place “in the very near future.”

The head of “Senezh” by status is the deputy general director of the autonomous non-profit organization “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” (RSV), created by decree of the president, explains a source familiar with her work. The RSV is in charge of the internal political bloc of the Kremlin, and personnel are selected there from the “big bench”, he notes. Now the educational process in Senezh is managed by vice-rector Maria Afonina. She herself is a native of Rosatom, who in 2005-2016. directed by Kiriyenko. Afonina worked at the state corporation in 2010-2019, and for the last seven years she has held senior positions at the Rosatom Corporate Academy.


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