Named the negative effects of taking sedatives

Named the negative effects of taking sedatives


According to the head of the SRO Association of Independent Pharmacies Victoria Presnyakova, the demand for sleeping pills, antidepressants and sedatives has been growing rapidly since February.

“Demand is significantly higher than in previous years. This is due to the general alarming background in society against the backdrop of geopolitical and economic situations. The population acquires not only over-the-counter, but also prescription drugs. Doctors say that a lot of patients come to them with similar ailments for the first time. Seasonality also plays a big role. Traditionally, in spring and autumn, the demand for these groups of drugs increases,” says Presnyakova. At the same time, the expert emphasizes that there is no shortage of drugs for the purpose described above in pharmacies, and the industry is doing everything possible to provide patients with all the necessary medicines.

Meanwhile, on the eve of Heart Day, which was celebrated on September 29, VTsIOM conducted a survey that showed that in the coming year, 57% of Russians experienced stressful situations. But of these, only 7% sought help from specialists who would help them professionally, that is, psychologists or psychiatrists. At the same time, stress-induced anxiety disorders rank third among the factors in the development of coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension.

Stress is accompanied by emotional and physical tension, which occur under the influence of various factors. Scientists distinguish two main types of stress. The one that benefits the body is called eustress. For example, it is bestowed by love, marriage, the birth of a child. After such a “shake-up”, the endurance of the body increases and, in general, health is strengthened.

Distress has the opposite effect on us. This is already a negative type of stress, as a result of which the body’s defenses begin to deplete. Among the side effects of distress are the development of serious diseases and even death.

During any stress, the “mode of operation” of the adrenal glands changes – glands that are responsible for the synthesis of hormones and biologically active substances. The development of the latter is rapidly accelerating. More precisely, the synthesis of stress hormones – adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol – increases. Their excess causes the cardiovascular system to “accelerate”: a person’s heart rate (tachycardia) increases, blood pressure rises and the blood coagulation system begins to work more actively, which is fraught with the development of blood clots.

Experts explain that drinking sedatives in such situations (valerian, motherwort), of course, is not contraindicated – however, the effect will be short-lived. Moreover, taking sedatives that simply relieve unpleasant symptoms in the form of a rapid heartbeat is fraught with the fact that a person may miss the symptoms of an incipient serious illness. “Some doctors, I know, recommend in such situations almost half a vial of valocordin or corvalol at night,” says cardiologist Ilya Spesivtsev. – Of course, it will bring significant relief and even help you fall asleep. Only now I know cases when people, having removed the symptoms, missed heart attacks.

As for antidepressants, and even more so tranquilizers, they should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor, that is, a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. “In the first days or weeks of taking antidepressants, they can cause increased depression, but this will pass, and it is important not to stop taking them,” says psychologist Anton Karavaev. – But you need to take them only according to indications and under the supervision of a specialist. Today there are a lot of drugs from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the doctor will also help you decide on the choice.

If we continue the topic of the impact of stress on the heart and blood vessels, then we must take into account that with frequent and prolonged release of adrenaline and cortisol, which are provoked by stress, the body loses essential substances such as potassium and magnesium through the kidneys. And the deficiency of these trace elements is fraught not only with the development of such manifestations as irritability, insomnia, decreased performance, but also with serious cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension, arrhythmia, and an increased risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke.

As Elizaveta Ebzeeva, Head of the Department of Therapy and Polymorbid Pathology of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, tells, Hans Selye, a Canadian scientist who was at the forefront of the study of biological stress, proposed using a combination of potassium and magnesium to treat and prevent acute processes in the myocardium under the influence of stress: “Modern studies have shown that the use of potassium and magnesium leads to a decrease in the concentration of stress hormones – cortisol and aldosterone – during active physical exertion, against the background of emotional or physiological stress (for example, with overwork or lack of sleep). Potassium strengthens the myocardium and ensures a stable heart rhythm, while magnesium prevents vasospasm and improves their elasticity.

Experts warn that if you constantly feel internal tension, anxiety, irritability and insomnia appear, tachycardia attacks occur, there is a feeling of lack of air, and you also complain about increased fatigue, changeable mood, change in appetite – it means, most likely, your stress has become chronic. And above all, you need to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle.

Dream. You need to sleep in a cool, ventilated, dark and quiet room for at least 7 hours. If sleep is disturbed, the body begins to release cortisol, which leads to increased arousal. Well, lack of sleep is the cause of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

Food. Doctors recommend eating foods high in tryptophan (such as bananas, turkey meat, cheese, wholemeal bread), high in B vitamins and calcium (liver, eggs, milk), and foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, apples), raw vegetable salads and fresh fruit juices.

Sport. Any movement contributes to the production of joy hormones – serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, almost any type of activity is suitable – running, swimming, walking.

Breathing exercises. Inhale through the nose for three counts, exhale through the lips, folded into a tube, for four counts. This exercise can be repeated 3-4 times. It is also useful to alternate the tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups, for example, with force clenching and unclenching your fists, as well as pressing your feet on the floor.

Communication. The most important thing now is to find like-minded people with whom you can discuss your experiences and emotions. By the way, the VTsIOM poll showed that since the beginning of 2022, almost a third of Russians began to communicate with friends and relatives more often.

Specialized help. To alleviate the emotional state, you can seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist, as well as a doctor to find out the cause of the ailment and choose the right treatment.


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